- 19 HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm
- o skip): The system contact is set to syscontact Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf) Do you wish to change it (y/n) (Blank is n): Th... ail -s 'HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm' root ↓ #trapemail /bin/mail -s 'HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm' root trapemail /usr/bin/logger -t 'HPE Insight Managem
- 02 pipのインストール
- tools-3.3.zip', '--quiet', '--output-document', '/root/setuptools-3.3.zip']' returned non-zero exit stat
- 05 subversion
- onsole> # cat /etc/sysconfig/svnserve OPTIONS="--root=/var/www/svn" </code> === 自動起動の設定 === <code> #
- 20 gitlab-runner
- = pip install --upgrade pip === VMから出る === root@1e012148cd30:/# exit === コンテナをイメージ化 === docke