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19 HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm


# yum -y install hp-snmp-agents


centos7 ではmailコマンドが無いのでインストール

# yum -y install mailx



# /sbin/hpsnmpconfig

This configuration script will configure SNMP to integrate with the HPE SIM and
the HPE System Management Homepage by editting the snmpd.conf file. The HP-SNMP-Agents can also exist in a more secure
SNMP environment (e.g. VACM) that you have previously configured. See the
hp-snmp-agents(4) man page for specific details on how to configure the VACM entries
in the 'snmpd.conf' file. You may press <ctrl+c> now to exit now if needed.

Do you wish to use an existing snmpd.conf (y/n) (Blank is n): 

You will now be asked a series of SNMP configuration questions.  How you answer
these question will affect the way SNMP behaves.  Configuring SNMP could have
security implications on your system. If you are not sure how to answer a
question, you can abort by pressing <Ctrl-c> and no changes will be made to
your SNMP configuration.

Enter the localhost SNMP Read/Write community string
(one word, required, no default): 

You will now be asked a series of SNMP configuration questions.  How you answer
these question will affect the way SNMP behaves.  Configuring SNMP could have
security implications on your system. If you are not sure how to answer a
question, you can abort by pressing <Ctrl-c> and no changes will be made to
your SNMP configuration.

Enter the localhost SNMP Read/Write community string
(one word, required, no default): 

You will now be asked a series of SNMP configuration questions.  How you answer
these question will affect the way SNMP behaves.  Configuring SNMP could have
security implications on your system. If you are not sure how to answer a
question, you can abort by pressing <Ctrl-c> and no changes will be made to
your SNMP configuration.

Enter the localhost SNMP Read/Write community string
(one word, required, no default): 

You will now be asked a series of SNMP configuration questions.  How you answer
these question will affect the way SNMP behaves.  Configuring SNMP could have
security implications on your system. If you are not sure how to answer a
question, you can abort by pressing <Ctrl-c> and no changes will be made to
your SNMP configuration.

Enter the localhost SNMP Read/Write community string
(one word, required, no default): 
Re-enter the same input to confirm: 
ERROR: inputs mismatch! Press ENTER to try again.

You will now be asked a series of SNMP configuration questions.  How you answer
these question will affect the way SNMP behaves.  Configuring SNMP could have
security implications on your system. If you are not sure how to answer a
question, you can abort by pressing <Ctrl-c> and no changes will be made to
your SNMP configuration.

Enter the localhost SNMP Read/Write community string
(one word, required, no default): 
Re-enter the same input to confirm: 
ACCEPTED: inputs match!

Enter localhost SNMP Read Only community string
(one word, Blank to skip): 
Enter Read/Write Authorized Management Station IP or DNS name
(Blank to skip): 
Enter Read Only Authorized Management Station IP or DNS name
(Blank to skip): 
Enter default SNMP trap community string
(One word; Blank to skip): 
Enter SNMP trap destination IP or DNS name
(One word; Blank to skip): 
The system contact is set to
syscontact Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)
Do you wish to change it (y/n) (Blank is n): 
The system location is set to
syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)
Do you wish to change it (y/n) (Blank is n): 

NOTE: New snmpd.conf entries were added to the top of /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

snmpd is started



trapemail /bin/mail -s 'HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm' root

#trapemail /bin/mail -s 'HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm' root
trapemail /usr/bin/logger -t 'HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm'
trapemail /bin/bash /opt/hp/zbxsender_hpima.sh -m



NIC Link is Up"

while getopts mz OPTION ; do
    case $OPTION in
        m )
        z )
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))

DATA=$(cat -)

if [ $(echo -e "${DATA}" |grep -c -f <(echo -e "${EXCLUDE}")) -le 0 ] ;then
    if [ "${TO}" = "ZABBIX" ] ;then
        ZBXS=$(grep Server= /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf |grep -v "^#" |awk -F'=' '{print $2}' |sed 's/,/ /g')
        for ZBX in ${ZBXS} ;do
            if [ ${OK} -ne 1 ];then
                /usr/bin/zabbix_sender -z ${ZBX} -s ${NAME} -k ${ZBX_KEY} -o "${DATA}" && OK=1
    elif [ "${TO}" = "MAIL" ] ;then
        RELEASE=$(cut -d. -f1 /etc/redhat-release)
        if [ "${RELEASE}" = "CentOS Linux release 7" ] ;then
            echo -e "${DATA}" |mail -s "HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm ( ${NAME} )" -r ${NAME}@gmocloud.com ${MAILTO}
        elif [ "${RELEASE}" = "CentOS release 6" ] ;then
            echo -e "${DATA}" |mail -s "HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm ( ${NAME} )" -r ${NAME}@gmocloud.com ${MAILTO}
        elif [ "${RELEASE}" = "CentOS release 5" ] ;then
            echo -e "${DATA}" |mail -s "HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm ( ${NAME} )" ${MAILTO} -- -f ${NAME}@gmocloud.com
            echo -e "Not Supported.\n${RELEASE}" 1>&2


# systemctl restart hp-snmp-agents
01_linux/12_ツール/19_hpe_insight_management_agents_trap_alarm.txt · 最終更新: 2020/01/09 15:20 by matsui