- 15 Kubernetes Error
- etes/pki/ca.crt: open /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt: no such file or directory, failure loading key for s... etes/pki/sa.key: open /etc/kubernetes/pki/sa.key: no such file or directory, failure loading certifica... crt: open /etc/kubernetes/pki/front-proxy-ca.crt: no such file or directory, failure loading certifica... tcd/ca.crt: open /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt: no such file or directory] Please ensure that: * Th
- 16 Kubernetes + DRBD Linstor
- b linstor resource-definition drbd-options --on-no-quorum=io-error linstor_db linstor resource-definition drbd-options --auto-promote=no linstor_db linstor volume-definition create lin... instor-basic-storage-class 4s # kubectl get pv No resources found # linstor volume list -p +------
- 05 Docker Nginx reverse proxy
- $do_not_cache 0; } proxy_no_cache $do_not_cache; proxy_cache_bypa
- 18 Kubernetes GlusterFS
- --------------------------------------- There are no active volume tasks </code> ==== それでも大丈夫 ==== 対
- 30 React-admin
- rd Hard coded local username/password None No authProvider ↓ How do you want to install the d