- 05 Percona Xtrabackup
- 11_galera_sync]] <code console> # innobackupex --no-timestamp /backup/xtrabackup/base/ </code> === u... nnobackupex --user [root] --password [password] --no-timestamp /backup/xtrabackup/base/ </code> ==== 2... == フォルダへバックアップする場合 <code console> innobackupex --no-timestamp --incremental --incremental-basedir=/ba... /backup/xtrabackup/incremental_1/ innobackupex --no-timestamp --incremental --incremental-basedir=/ba
- 51 MySQLベンチマーク(mysqlslap)
- 1000行データ 1000クエリ update(更新) <code> # mysqlslap --no-defaults \ --concurrency=20 \ --iteration=1 \ --e... Print the program argument list and exit. --no-defaults Don't read default options fro... Generate CSV output to named file or to stdout if no file is named. -#, --debu... erations=# Number of times to run the tests. --no-drop Do not drop the schema after the t
- 09 Galera + innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit
- ush_log_at_trx_commit=1 === <code> # mysqlslap --no-defaults --concurrency=20 --iteration=1 --engine=... ush_log_at_trx_commit=2 === <code> # mysqlslap --no-defaults --concurrency=20 --iteration=1 --engine=
- 11 Galera同期(複数台構成)
- --galera-info --slave-info --safe-slave-backup --no-timestamp /backup/xtrabackup/base/ </code> === u... --galera-info --slave-info --safe-slave-backup --no-timestamp /backup/xtrabackup/base/ </code> =====
- 01 Galera構築
- - whether the component is primary or not ("yes"/"no") # --members - comma-separated list of members #
- 03 InnoDBテーブル分割
- ダンプ ===== <code console> # mysqldump -u root -p --no-autocommit --all-databases > all_backup.sql </cod
- 18 CentOS7 MariaDB
- : Can't change dir to '/home/mysql/' (Errcode: 2 "No such file or directory") Feb 6 17:38:56 hoge sh:
- 50 MySQLベンチマーク(sysbench)
- storage engine used is transactional or not {yes,no,auto} [auto] --mysql-ssl=[on|off] use