- 16 Kubernetes + DRBD Linstor @06_virtualization:05_container
- kerノード3台で、Linstor ^ name ^ IP ^ Disk ^ DRBD用 ^ |node1||/dev/sda|/dev/sdb| |node2||/dev/sda|/dev/sdb| |node3||/dev/sda|/dev/sdb| ※sdaは/用、sdbはlinstor用 =====... === 1度node1で、linstor-controllerを上げて初期設定を行います。 node1# systemctl start linstor-controller linst
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- f line. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized at... t it. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized ... o lowercase automatically, special characters are not allowed. You can use [[some:namespaces]] by usi... This links to [[syntax#internal|this Section]]. Notes: * Links to [[syntax|existing pages]] are s
- 15 Kubernetes Error @06_virtualization:05_container
- ress different from ==== 対応 ==== Nodeを1度再起動してあげれば治る ===== Unable to connect to the ... rors occurred: [ERROR CRI]: container runtime is not running: output: time="2022-04-19T02:14:43Z" lev... you know what you are doing, you can make a check non-fatal with `--ignore-preflight-errors=...` To se... g FailedScheduling 63s default-scheduler 0/4 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taint {node-role.
- MySQLコマンド @02_freebsd:04_database:01_mysql
- | varchar(60) | NO | PRI | | | | User | varchar(16) | NO | PRI | | | | Password | varchar(16) | NO | | | | | Select_priv | enum('N','Y') | NO | | N | | | Insert_priv
- 37 MegaCliのSmart情報 @01_linux:99_その他
- : SATA Raw Size: 465.761 GB [0x3a386030 Sectors] Non Coerced Size: 465.261 GB [0x3a286030 Sectors] Co... mware state: Online, Spun Up Commissioned Spare : No Emergency Spare : No Device Firmware Level: CC03 Shield Counter: 0 Successful diagnostics completion ... CC03 FDE Capable: Not Capable FDE Enable: Disable Secured: Unsecured L
- 19 HPE Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm @01_linux:12_ツール
- in the 'snmpd.conf' file. You may press <ctrl+c> now to exit now if needed. Do you wish to use an existing snmpd.conf (y/n) (Blank is n): You will now be asked a series of SNMP configuration question... security implications on your system. If you are not sure how to answer a question, you can abort by
- 01 Galera構築 @01_linux:11_データベース:01_mysql
- el5_6.6 mysql-server-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6 # rpm -e --nodeps mysql-server-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6 # rpm -e --nodeps mysql-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6 </code> ===== ②/etc/my.cnf... ith '.cnf', otherwise they'll be ignored. # WSREP NOTE: additional wsrep configuration is in wsrep.cnf... nnodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog=1 # Query Cache is not supported with wsrep query_cache_size=0 query_ca
- 01 JuJu Maas Openstack @01_linux:08_仮想化:juju
- 0.0.10| | |juju-controller| | DHCP | bootstrap | |node01| |DHCP|node01| |node02| |DHCP|node02| |node03| |DHCP|node03| ^Nic^PXE^Network^DHCP^ Gateway ^Space^ |ens3|○|
- 11 Galera同期(複数台構成) @01_linux:11_データベース:01_mysql
- 追加する場合。 今回は例として、下記の構成でnode2のMySQLがダウンしたと想定して説明。 |node1||<color blue>OK</color>| |node2||<color red>障害</color>| |node3||<color blue>OK</color>| ===== 1.稼働中のノードでフルバックアップ ===== <code> [node1]# mkdir -p /backup/xtrabackup/base/ [node1]# i
- vipw @02_freebsd:80_unixコマンド
- 1::0:0:Owner of many system processes:/root:/sbin/nologin operator:*:2:5::0:0:System &:/:/sbin/nologin bin:*:3:7::0:0:Binaries Commands and Source:/:/sbin/nologin tty:*:4:65533::0:0:Tty Sandbox:/:/sbin/nologin kmem:*:5:65533::0:0:KMem Sandbox:/:/sbin/nologin
- 2015.08.20 Megacli @50_dialy:2015:08
- e: SATA Raw Size: 931.512 GB [0x74706db0 Sectors] Non Coerced Size: 931.012 GB [0x74606db0 Sectors] Co... chi HDT72101ST6O FDE Capable: Not Capable FDE Enable: Disable Secured: Unsecured Locked: Unlocked Foreign State: None Device Speed: 3.0Gb/s Link Speed: 3.0Gb/s Me... e: SATA Raw Size: 931.512 GB [0x74706db0 Sectors] Non Coerced Size: 931.012 GB [0x74606db0 Sectors] Co
- 55 corosync pacemaker @01_linux:01_net
- == 環境 ===== ^ 説明 |1号機|2号機|3号機|VIP| ^ HostName|node01|node02|node03| ^Global||||| ^Local01||172.16... 録されてたりすると、上手くクラスタが組めなかった</color> node01 node02 node03
- 32 CentOS5でTLS1.2 Apache PHP @01_linux:02_www
- ==== <code> xml/apr_xml.c:35:19: error: expat.h: No such file or directory xml/apr_xml.c:66: error: e... ’: xml/apr_xml.c:364: error: ‘apr_xml_parser’ has no member named ‘xp’ xml/apr_xml.c:365: error: ‘apr_xml_parser’ has no member named ‘xp’ xml/apr_xml.c: At top level: xm... ’: xml/apr_xml.c:401: error: ‘apr_xml_parser’ has no member named ‘xp’ xml/apr_xml.c:402: error: ‘apr_
- 03 自動で定義済みの定数 @11_php
- 動的に定義される定数(マジカル定数)が 8 つあります。 ^ 名前 ^ 説明 ^ | <nowiki>__LINE__</nowiki> |ファイル上の現在の行番号。| | <nowiki>__FILE__</nowiki> |ファイルのフルパスとファイル名 (シンボリックリンクを解決した後のもの)。 \\ インクルードされるファイルの中で使用された場合、インクルードされるファ
- 22 Docker Private registry @06_virtualization:05_container
- ch-agent", "kolla/neutron-server", "kolla/nova-api", "kolla/nova-compute", "kolla/nova-conductor", "kolla/nova-libvirt", "kolla/nova-novncproxy", "kolla/nova-scheduler",