- 12 Laravel
- The Zip PHP extension is not installed. Please install it and try again. ... w [--dev] [--5.2] [--] [<name>] 対応 <code> # yum install php-pecl-zip </code> ==== エラー2. ==== Script "post-install-cmd" is not defined in this package 対応 <code> $ ... event returned with error code 1 対応 <code> # yum install php-mcrypt </code> {{tag>framework php laravel}}
- 13 laravel-admin
- ore\Admin\AdminServiceProvider" php artisan admin:install </code> ===== エラー1. ===== <code> $ php artisan admin:install Migrating: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table
- 27 Laravel Voyager
- ===== インストール ===== <code> $ php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy </code> ===== Voyager コントローラーカスタマイズ