- Operation not permitted Cannot delete file @en:01_linux:99_その他
- ====== Operation not permitted Cannot delete file ====== If an illegal file or similar is placed, there may be cases where the placed file cannot be deleted. This is something that manipulates file attributes other than permissions in Linux's ext2
- 71 vsftpd @en:01_linux:01_net
- vsftpd </code> ===== Modifying the Configuration File ===== <code console> # vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.con... ocal_user=YES chroot_list_enable=YES chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list ↓ List of users allowed to access beyond the home directory #chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list #ls_recurse_enable=YES ↓... e connection ssl_enable=YES ← Enable SSL rsa_cert_file=/etc/pki/tls/certs/vsftpd.pem ← Specify the serve
- 2024.01.18 SSL Error in Rails @en:50_dialy:2024:01
- > require 'openssl' p OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE </code> <code> ruby ssl_path.rb "/usr/local/ssl/... ruby -ropenssl -e "p OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE" </code> However, the target path does not have ... cannot access '/usr/local/ssl/cert.pem': No such file or directory </code> So, we need to create a syml... rg/mirrorlist/9/baseos [error setting certificate file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt] </code> This
- Rebuilding the FreeBSD Kernel @en:02_freebsd:99_その他
- de> # # GENERIC -- Generic kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/i386 # # For more information on this file, please read the handbook section on # Kernel Co
- 09 SSH in While @en:bash
- u run SSH, stdin is directed at it, so the entire file is passed to SSH, not just the one line you read
- 2024.05.02 Amazon Linux 2023 Zabbix @en:50_dialy:2024:05
- abbix server </code> ==== Preparation of Startup File ==== <code> cp misc/init.d/fedora/core5/zabbix_ag