- 05 Linuxチューニング
- -p </code> ==== ②.NICのオフロード機能を無効 ==== <code> for file in `ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth[0-9]` do ETH=`echo $file| sed 's/.*\(eth[0-9]\)/\1/g'` ethtool -K $ETH r... .hateblo.jp/entry/2014/05/10/144824]] <code> for file in `ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth[0-9]` do ETH=`echo $file| sed 's/.*\(eth[0-9]\)/\1/g'` ethtool -K $ETH t
- 02_ネットワーク負荷試験iperf
- put the report or error message to this specified file -p, --port # server port to listen ... <name> input the data to be transmitted from a file -I, --stdin input the data to be t
- 03 iperf3
- econds between periodic bandwidth reports -F, --file name xmit/recv the specified file -A, --affinity n/n,m set CPU affinity -V, --verbos
- 14 redis-benchmark
- systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Can't open PID file /run/redis/redis-server.pid (yet?) after start: >
- dbench
- make エラー表示 dbench.c:26:18: error: popt.h: No such file or directory </code> 対策 <code console> # yum ins