- Rebuilding the FreeBSD Kernel @en:02_freebsd:99_その他
- ized and efficient kernel by removing unnecessary devices and features tailored to your needs. ====== ... options and more detailed explanations of the # device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES ... t MYKERNEL # To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints #hints "GENERIC.hints" # Default places to lo
- 09 SSH in While @en:bash
- event this, use the -n option to ssh to redirect /dev/null and not redirect stdin. ===== OK here ====
- 31 CentOS5 TLS1.2 @en:01_linux:02_www
- a newer OpenSSL <code> # yum install gcc gnutls-devel </code> ==== OpenSSL ==== <code> # wget https:
- 2024.05.02 Amazon Linux 2023 Zabbix @en:50_dialy:2024:05
- kages for make ==== <code> dnf install pcre pcre-devel gcc </code> ==== Source Download, make, make in