- 31 CentOS5 TLS1.2 @en:01_linux:02_www
- -1.0.2r.tar.gz # tar zxvf openssl-1.0.2r.tar.gz # cd openssl-1.0.2r # ./config shared enable-ssl2 enab... t/wget-1.16.1.tar.gz tar -xzvf wget-1.16.1.tar.gz cd wget-1.16.1 export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/openssl-1... wget /usr/bin/wget </code> ==== Curl ==== <code> cd /usr/local/src wget https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.58.0.tar.gz tar xzvf curl-7.58.0.tar.gz cd curl-7.58.0 ./configure --enable-libcurl-option -
- Rebuilding the FreeBSD Kernel @en:02_freebsd:99_その他
- 'll be using MYKERNEL as our example. <code> # cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/ # cp GENERIC MYKERNEL </... # MSDOS Filesystem options CD9660 # ISO 9660 Filesystem optio... uential Access (tape etc) #device cd # CD #device pass # Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)
- 71 vsftpd @en:01_linux:01_net
- ting a Server Certificate ===== <code console> # cd /etc/pki/tls/certs/ # make vsftpd.pem </code> ===
- Mar 8 2023 SSH Error no hostkey alg @en:50_dialy:2022:03
- able/]] <code> $ tar zxvf openssh-8.0p1.tar.gz $ cd openssh-8.0p1 $ ./configure $ make # cp ssh /usr/
- 2024.05.02 Amazon Linux 2023 Zabbix @en:50_dialy:2024:05
- abbix-6.0.29.tar.gz tar zxvf zabbix-6.0.29.tar.gz cd zabbix-6.0.29/ chkconfig --list zabbix_agentd mak