====== 2025.03.20 Zed Keymap ====== Setting up the keymap in the Zed editor Open zed:open keymap with Shift + Ctrl + P {{:50_dialy:2025:03:pasted:20250320-013904.png}} Since the shortcuts for the terminal and assistant were not working, I configured them as follows in my environment: [ { "bindings": { "ctrl-k ctrl-s": "zed::OpenKeymap", "ctrl-shift-t": "terminal_panel::ToggleFocus", "ctrl-shift-a": "assistant::ToggleFocus", "ctrl-shift-y": "workspace::CloseAllDocks" } } ] ===== Location of keymap.json ===== The file will be created at the following location: %appdata%\zed\keymap.json {{tag>Diary Zed}}