====== code2 ====== [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:code2|plugin code2]] {code to highlight} some text (basic) just marks up ”some text” as preformatted text (w/o any special highlighting). some text some text2 (extended) marks up ”some text” as preformatted text (w/o any special highlighting) with line numbers starting at number 7. some text (extended) marks up ”some text” as preformatted text (w/o any special highlighting) with a footer line of ”A description”. some text (basic) turns on HTML highlighting for ”some text”. some text (extended) turns on HTML highlighting for ”some text” with added line numbers starting with number 1. some text (extended) turns on HTML highlighting for ”some text” and a header line of ”A description:”. some text (extended) turns on HTML highlighting for ”some text” with added line numbers starting with number 66 and a footer line of ”A description”. some text (extended) turns on diff highlighting (autodetecting the patch format). some text (extended) turns on diff highlighting (assuming an unified patch format). some text (extended) turns on diff highlighting (assuming a context patch format) and a footer line of ”A description”. some console commands capture (extended) turns on console mode with a footer line of ”The shell output”. extern> http://dns.flat8.co.jp/index.html some text and more some text and more var de = function() { return (typeof(window.de) == 'object') ? window.de : {}; }(); ===== エラー ===== プラグインをインストールすると、plugin.info.txtが存在しないのでエラーが出力されます。 * 2014-09-29a "Hrun" で確認 Plugin name 'syntax_plugin_code' is not a valid plugin name, only the characters a-z and 0-9 are allowed. Maybe the plugin has been installed in the wrong directory? ==== 対応方法 ==== 1.プラグイン名が、DOKU_PLUGIN_NAME_REGEX に引っかかるので、プラグイン名変更 102 } elseif (preg_match('/^'.DOKU_PLUGIN_NAME_REGEX.'$/', $plugin) !== 1) { 103 msg(sprintf("Plugin name '%s' is not a valid plugin name, only the characters a-z and 0-9 are allowed. ". 104 'Maybe the plugin has been installed in the wrong directory?', hsc($plugin)), -1); $ mv lib/plugins/syntax_plugin_code lib/plugins/syntaxplugincode 2.別なプラグインからplugin.info.txtをコピーして、適当に書き換える。 $ cp lib/plugins/color/plugin.info.txt lib/plugins/syntaxplugincode/plugin.info.txt $ vi lib/plugins/syntaxplugincode/plugin.info.txt base syntaxplugincode author XXXXXXXX email XXXX@XXX date 2008-07-22 name code2 Plugin {{tag>dokuwiki:plugins syntax}}